Friday, July 27, 2007

Not Necessarily New, But Definitely Improved--IMO

It was time for a change of pace. I did the red streaks back in April and what's left was looking rather sad & pathetic. So here I sit with Atomic Turquoise streaks/swaths (I say swaths because there was lot of grey to cover up in the front). I emailed Steve a picture and then called him to see if he had read the email yet, but he's not at his desk--the nerve!

Tried to get Jonathan to take a picture of my new do, but he get taking a close up of my face only. So I had to do the self-portrait in the mirror trick. I think this weekend I'll have Steve do some real pictures of me.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows

Is it time yet? I still have not decided whether or not to go to the Grand Hallows Ball at Borders on Friday night. Part of me wants to go because it's the last one of it's kind. Then the practical side of me says, "It's going to be hot in the store (after all, it is July) and there will be no place to sit while waiting." So there is the sensible side of me dictating that I just go on Saturday morning--then lock myself in my air conditioned bedroom reading all day. And night. And the next day. I really cannot wait to see how Ms. Rowling wraps up this amazing series of books.

I've got lovely memories of these books. Mum & Dad gave me the first three books at once. They had already read them and knew I would love them. I scoffed, after all, they were children's books and I was 30 years old. But they read them. I didn't start reading them until J was born. The evening routine would be get him down for the night, spend some time with Steven, and then go to bed around 9:30. J would wake up for his 10PM bottle, which Steven would give to him. Then we would have a quick cuddle before we both settled in to sleep. And while I'd go to bed early, I would read these enchanting books. Once I started Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone I was hooked. Simply hooked. There's no turning back now.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Wait a Minute!

Last Saturday I spent the afternoon with my parents and two of my dad's three sisters. They were up for a visit from Connecticut. One of the conversations of the afternoon was about how we have been getting all sorts of wildlife through our yards here these last few months. I've had wild turkeys and rabbits. Mum has had an opossum up on her deck looking in the sliding glass door one morning when she got up, to various birds at the feeders, to a coyote at the edge of the lawn snagging a big of leftover bird suet.

Once I came home I decided to tackle cleaning up the kitchen. I glanced out of the kitchen window and thought I saw a wild turkey. Not an unusual sight, but upon further investigation, it turned out to be a pair of red-tailed hawks.
Unfortunately this meant the untimely demise of one of our wild rabbits. Mrs. Hawk was so intent on feeding--there must be a nest somewhere nearby--she was not the least bit fazed when I got within six feet of her and Mr. Hawk. He was patiently standing by, almost sentry like, but he didn't move a muscle while she fed on the poor bunny. They sat there for well over an hour and a half. Eventually, she lumbered off and after a few minutes of looking around, he finished the rabbit off.

It was one of those experiences that was thrilling and upsetting at the same time. I was sad for our little bunny rabbit. It is always fun to watch them hopping around the backyard. But at the same time it was utterly glorious and amazing to watch these two magnificent birds of prey in my yard, withing a few short feet of me. I've always been fascinated by birds of prey, ever since I was ten years old when my parents took me to the birds of prey exhibit at the public library. Red-Tailed Hawks specifically been one of my all time favorite raptors.

For more information about hawks like these, please visit the Vermont Raptor Center website to learn more about their work with these beautiful creatures.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Family That Gets Sick Together....

...sticks together. Or at least cleans up the aftermath together. Some nasty stomach flu has taken hold of our home. Ugh. I wasn't feeling great on Saturday during the day, but the boys were fine and they went up to NHIS. They got back around 8PM and J crashed hard in bed. Around 11PM he got up and walked down the hall in tears, crying, "I don't feel so good." Steve's first instinct was to pick him up to cuddle him. Yeah, that's a good way to get covered in vomit. Not only did J hose down Steve, but the wall, the floor, the jackets and our karate gis on the railing, down the cellar stairs, the carpet. What occurred in a matter of a few seconds took an hour and a half to clean up. By the next morning we were all even more miserable. Steve stayed home yesterday, but did go to work today. Suffice to say, J & I are feeling like wrung out dishrags today. The thought of getting in the shower is exhausting me, never mind the actual action of that. Oy vey!

Happy 4th of July folks!